Oftentimes, people make New Year’s Resolutions about money - such as, “save more money,” or “stick to a budget.” Some people even include investing goals as part of their New Year’s resolutions. Here are some ideas of how you can resolve to make more of an impact with your investments, and how you can go about achieving these goals!
Disclaimer: this is not investment advice, and is for educational purposes only. Investing is inherently risky, and investors should be prepared to lose some or all of their investment.
Invest more locally
You might have heard that factoid out there on how when you spend money at a local business, 67 cents on the dollar that you spend is kept inside the community. Well, the same idea applies to investing in local businesses!
Investing in a local business helps you enliven your neighborhood, and also helps you to support your neighbors! After all, by helping a local entrepreneur grow their business, you’re also helping an actual person put food on the table and send their kids to college, at the same time that you get to earn a possible return.
Honeycomb Credit makes it easy to find local businesses in your community that you can invest in.
Invest in sustainable businesses
Maybe you also had a resolution to take on more green habits this year. Well, you can accomplish two goals in one by investing in a sustainable business!
Honeycomb has hosted campaigns for refill shops, farms, a composting company, a soap shop, and even a tech platform that promotes local foods, helping them all meet their financial needs and continue to make the world a greener place.
“Composting takes something normally seen as a waste product and makes highly nutritious food for the soil. It’s actually a resource,” says Monique, owner of Compostable LA. “In a community composting decentralized model, that resource stays within the community and helps build community resilience.”
“One thing I really loved about Honeycomb was that it takes these same ideas into the finance world,” Monique continues. “To find something within finance that’s committed to building community wealth and keeping it in the community is something beautiful - which is what Honeycomb is.”
Invest in minority-owned businesses
Maybe your New Year’s Resolutions also involve doing more to help out under-resourced communities - investing in minority-owned businesses in one way in which you can do that as well!
Investing in minority-owned businesses helps entrepreneurs who are commonly left behind by traditional financing access the funding they need to grow their businesses. This creates jobs and helps circulated community wealth as well!
“Highlighting minority businesses, whether you’re a person of color or a woman, there are so many obstacles, so many of us are trailblazers!” says Candace Maiden, owner of Squash the Beef Catering in Cleveland. “There’s no history of seeing people who look like us starting these kinds of businesses. I’m so fortunate that the generation that comes after me has this carbon copy to follow … sometimes it’s ok to take a road that’s been traveled before in order for you to accomplish your goals.”
Invest in women-owned businesses
Did you know that women-owned businesses generally generate twice as much revenue as male-run counterparts? And yet, they only receive 2% of venture capital funding.
Perhaps you’re resolving to support women this year, and investing in a women-owned business is one way in which you can do so. In fact, on Honeycomb 50% of the campaigns we ran in 2020 were women-owned campaigns, so you have plenty of opportunities to invest in a female entrepreneur - perhaps one in your neighborhood.
Here’s a New Year’s Resolution you won’t break
Because it’s as simple as finding a campaign to invest in and waiting to reap the rewards! No matter whether you’re just looking to diversify your financial portfolio or if you’re trying to make an impact with your dollars this year, investing in a local small business is one way which you can act upon your 2022 financial goals!
Plus, at a $100 minimum investment, this is a bite-sized resolution that is totally manageable.
Find live campaigns to invest in at https://invest.honeycombcredit.com/