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The Ultimate Crowdfunding Video Library

If you've landed here, you're probably seeking answers to your questions about crowdfunding. Look no further! Find video tutorials on topics from the benefits of crowdfunding to the nuts and bolts of a successful campaign. 

The secret to your business' growth is right here

Here's a message from our CEO, George Cook, on why we do what we do, and what you can expect from a Honeycomb campaign.

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Top 5 Benefits of Crowdfunding

Did you know that when you crowdfund a small business loan with Honeycomb Credit, there are benefits that go beyond just the money you raise?

Whether it's boosting your marketing, connecting you with collaborators, or improving your customer relationships, you can get more bang for your buck by crowdfunding with Honeycomb. 

How to Promote A Crowdfunding Campaign

Looking for advice on promoting your crowdfunding campaign? This video has seven strategies that can help boost your campaign to successfully cross the finish line. 

How to Grow your Business's Social Media for Crowdfunding

Social media is the foundation that most successful crowdfunding campaigns are built on. Does your business's social media need a boost?

Who to Ask to Invest in Your Crowdfunding Campaign - and How to Do It

Who do you know would be interested in investing in your business, if given the chance? Who in your life would you want to pay back for their support of your business?

In this video, we'll talk about the types of people who you should reach out to for investments, and how you can talk to them about the opportunity.

Meet Your Crowdfunding Coach!

Sam is one of the chefs behind Honeycomb's "secret sauce," that is, she's one of our crowdfunding campaign coaches! Her guidance is just one of the reasons why Honeycomb campaigns have an 83% success rate. 

How to Invest in a Crowdfunding Campaign

This is a cute video that briefly explains what it's like to invest in a crowdfunding campaign on Honeycomb Credit. When you run a campaign yourself, you can use this to explain what Honeycomb is to your community, and why they should invest in you! 

Funded on Honeycomb

Meet three entrepreneurs who reached their next step with crowdfunded small business loans from Honeycomb Credit.

Investing in your business is as easy as spending $100 on DoorDash—without the regrets

Click through this demo see the investor's point of view by investing in Driftwood Oven!

Money in the bank in as little as 30 days


Submit your application. Here's what to expect.

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Run your campaign with a crowdfunding coach in your corner.

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Grow your business and make monthly payments to your biggest supporters.

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Get started with your campaign!

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Securities offered through Honeycomb Portal LLC or Honeycomb SMB LLC have not been recommended or approved by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority. Honeycomb does not provide any investment advice or recommendation, and does not provide any legal or tax advice with respect to any securities. All securities listed on this site are being offered by, and all information included on this site is the responsibility of, the applicable issuer of such securities. In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. Securities sold under Title III are speculative, illiquid, and investors can lose all of their money.

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